UNM-LA Small Business Development Center Director Leaves Lasting Legacy
May 31, 2019
UNM-Los Alamos – Joseph Montes, Director of the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at UNM-Los Alamos (UNM-LA), passed away on Wednesday, May 22, 2019. He was an integral part of the UNM-LA family and the Los Alamos economic development community.
Dr. Cindy Rooney, CEO of UNM-Los Alamos, released the following statement: “We were saddened to receive the news that Joe Montes passed away. He was a beloved member of our UNM-LA family, a wonderful asset to our community, and an exceptionally kind and honorable man. Joe was very involved in economic development in our region and provided valuable assistance to numerous business owners in Los Alamos and northern New Mexico.”
Montes, a graduate of Santa Fe High School, earned a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from George Washington University and completed graduate-level Business studies at the Instituto de Estudios Superiores de la Empresa in Barcelona, Spain. Professionally, Montes was a top administrator at various federal government agencies including the U.S. Departments of Energy, Justice (DOJ), Interior and the Small Business Administration. Montes worked overseas for the DOJ in Haiti, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and Panama, and also worked in the Washington DC office of U.S. Senator Pete V. Domenici.
For the past three years, Montes managed the Small Business Development Center at UNM-Los Alamos. He was dedicated to creating small business opportunities as a means of promoting economic prosperity in New Mexico, and Montes helped many clients launch or develop their small businesses. By building relationships with financial institutions and investors throughout the region, Montes helped businesses secure over $2 million dollars in financial assistance to establish or expand their product and service lines.
UNM-LA will hire a new director for the SBDC, but in the interim, individuals should contact Julianna Barbee at 505.747.2240. Barbee is with the Northern New Mexico College SBDC.
The obituary for Montes can be viewed at https://legcy.co/2Wvr7bH.